Monday, December 5, 2011

What is Targeted Marketing?

In this world, there are only two types of marketing:

  1. Targeted Marketing
  2. Hit-And-Miss Marketing

Hit-And-Miss Marketing is just as it sounds, hit AND miss, and the most commonly used. It's a long process of contacting everyone, hoping that just a few might want to do business. Even I will admit to using those methods when I first started out with my businesses and ventures. It's the most natural way to start out when you're new, and although you do learn a lot of valuable lessons, you still eventually learn that you aren't going to get anywhere until you Target Your Market.

Targeted Marketing or Target Marketing, is what professionals use in order to structure a marketing strategy that will help them reach the right customers. Now, the tricky part, is knowing just who the right customers are.

In order to figure out just just who you should be marketing to, you need to search for those that have enough income to afford your product or service, those who have an actual need for your product or service, and those who have already previously purchased products or services similar to yours. Basically, you need to develop your Demographics, which is a statistical analysis of your consumers. Once you have built your demographics, in front of you will be a map to the road of successful marketing.

That is Targeted Marketing.

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